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About TravelFreak

If you’re anything like me, you don’t believe in living life on someone else’s terms. You don’t believe you were born to build somebody else’s dream, pay your bills and die.

You believe in making the most of every opportunity, every day, and living the life you want to live.

But opportunities to do that don’t always just jump out and present themselves, do they? (Hint: they never do.) They have to be created.

The Vision and The Mission

My name is Jeremy Scott Foster, and I started this website as a way to connect and reach other people who also don’t resonate with the status quo. I don’t believe that there’s just one way to live your life. There are an infinite number of ways to lead a fulfilling life—you just need to create them. Or at least give them a nudge.

Whether you want to work abroad, travel forever, become a digital nomad, or simply book that trip you’ve been dying to go on, you’re in the right place. Traveling can help you live a life that you’re more passionate about.

I want to help give you a push to both the far reaches of the globe as well as your comfort zone. Because it’s there—when you’re the least comfortable—that remarkable transformations start to take shape within.

And that’s when the good life really begins.

I truly believe that…

Travel forges connection, inspires transformation and imbues discovery of both the self and the world around you.

If you’re new here, these are some of my most valuable and essential resources on the site, and a great place to begin browsing. I can give you the tips and point you in the right direction—the rest, however, is up to you.

How My Life of Travel Began

Graduating from college in 2009 on the five-year plan—and into the middle of a recession—you could say I had very little in the way of options.

Nonetheless, I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

Soon after graduating and coming to grips with my reality, I realized that, if I wanted to live any kind of extraordinary life, I was going to have to do something different.

If the United States was having an economic crisis, wouldn’t it make sense to go somewhere that wasn’t?

Young Jeremy on the lam in Australia

With less than a year in the professional workforce under my belt and measly excuse for a savings in my bank account, I bought a one-way ticket to Australia.

My journey started with a two-month jaunt up the east coast of Australia, which left me fulfilled, intoxicated by life, and completely, utterly broke.

I wanted to travel forever—or at least for as long as I could. So I picked up a job at a local nightclub and started saving some cash. Along the way, I realized that, if I played my cards right, I’d never have to work another desk job in my life. I could pick up travel jobs and work and travel at the same time!

For the next five years, I traveled the world as a bartender, working in some of the best craft cocktail bars around the world. I was a blogger by day and a bartender by night.

I lived in New Zealand for more than a year, traveling the country and working in bars in Queenstown, Auckland and Wellington.

I took a break to teach English in China, and then moved to Beijing to work in the best cocktail bar in the country.

I traveled in South America, the Middle East and spent a summer backpacking across Europe from Athens, Greece to Berlin, Germany. I hitch-hiked through Albania and wrote a love letter to the Balkans which received a fair bit of attention.

Cliff Jumping in Greece

It was at this point that my blog was starting to gain traction. Unfortunately, at the same time, I was diagnosed with a debilitating case of Lyme Disease. I stayed home and fell off the map, so to speak. The entire trajectory of my life just changed—again—almost overnight.

With half a working brain and a lot of time on my hands, I started thinking about how I started this travel blog and how I could keep it running. Could I make money online while simultaneously using my experience to help others get out into the world and make a positive impact on their lives?

It turns out, I could. And I did.

Eventually, just before turning 30, I made the shift to full-time digital nomad, travel blogger, and online influencer and entrepreneur. This was before Instagram was even a thing!

Since then my travel advice has been featured by The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Forbes, National Geographic, Travel + Leisure, INSIDER, BuzzFeed, The Boston Globe, USA Today, and more. I’ve also personally helped people from all over the world recognize their dreams of traveling the world—and help them come true.

So What Now?

Recognizing that TravelFreak has become a platform that literally changes lives, I’ve made it my mission to help as many people as possible.

Of course, I’m not that green 24 year-old anymore. I guess you could say I’ve been around the block. Travel changed me in the biggest of ways. I went through it. Heck, I still am. But I’m in my thirties now with more than a decade of travel under my belt.

I still travel, though differently and less often. I spend more time focusing on my health and continue to do my best to provide value through this website to all the aspiring travelers out there!

Jeremy in Park City, Utah
Jeremy in Park City, Utah

While I was grounded, I started getting out into nature more. I learned the rules of hiking, drove across America while sleeping in my car. I’ve spent more time in one place, taken more domestic trips by overlanding or renting a campervan. And I got really into travel gear.

I tried every travel hack, tested every backpack, reviewed the world’s best luggage brands, and made every mistake out there (it’s my preferred method of learning). And alongside my trusted team of extraordinary travelers, adventurers, and life-livers, we’re sharing every piece of knowledge we can about how to handle your next adventure like a pro.

Over the past ten years, I’ve created a lifestyle for myself which suits my strengths while giving me the creativity and freedom to do and roam as I please.

No, you don’t have to quit your job to live a more passionate and fulfilling life (but you can if you want to!). You can still maintain your home life and a life of travel—you just have to want it bad enough to create it.

And what’s more, it’s probably a lot easier done than you realize.

Sure, it’s going to take some risk and you might have to pick up a few new skills along the way. But, as human beings, I truly believe that we are intelligent and resourceful enough to manifest anything in the world we truly desire.

My intention is to help you do exactly that.

Meet the Team

Jeremy Scott Foster headshot

Jeremy Scott Foster
Founder & CEO

Jeremy Scott Foster is a serial entrepreneur and the Founder of TravelFreak. He's not a country-counter, but has traveled to about 50 countries and spent nearly ten years as a nomad. Today, he lives in Los Angeles. You can usually find him at a coffee shop, smoothie place or riding his eBike along the Venice boardwalk.

Jakob Thygerson

Jakob Thygerson

Jakob Thygerson loves anything that gets him outdoors, whether it’s on foot, on skis, on a bike, or on the open road. He previously worked as a product design engineer and knows the ins and outs of materials, design, and manufacturing processes. He loves using this knowledge to analyze outdoor equipment and is an unrepentant gearhead.

Address: 4030 Wake Forest Road, STE 349, Raleigh, NC, 27609, USA
Phone: ‪(919) 635-0425‬