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We’re deep into the COVID-19 pandemic, and things are still far from normal. Many of us have lost jobs, stability,

Women have been conditioned to feel fear in a debilitating sort of way. But we'd do ourselves a disservice to

For the past few years, I’ve been in a state of extreme transition—not knowing who I am, where I’m going

You've been waiting all year. Your fairy outfit and neon gear are at the ready. Your ticket money is saved
You have the choice to manifest your own reality. If traveling the world sounds enticing but implausible, perhaps all you
Thinking of quitting school to travel the world? How do you know it’s the right decision for you? (Answer: you

I open my DNA report—and blink. I’m a what? When 23andMe, the DNA testing people, offered to help me investigate

How traveling can change your perspective and turn your entire world upside down.
Some of these weird fruit look like they came from another planet! These 13+ fruits are all exotic, but you
What are the benefits of traveling? Namely, your views will change, and your world will shift around them.
How Lyme Disease turned my entire world upside and why more people need to understand this debilitating disease.
Time passes in such a blur that it’s hard to memorialize every moment that has changed our lives in some
Travel has a way of teaching. In the past year, I've come to realize that traveling is what helped me
If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you may have noticed some changes in the past year
After spending six months in Brussels, Belgium, I'm pretty sure I've found all the best spots to eat and drink.

I let my 30th birthday slip by pretty quietly. It’s been one hell of a journey thus far, and turning 30

It was a long summer of travel, fraught with a multitude of highs and lows, new cultures, immense growth, and

Curious to know what real, traditional Chinese food looks like? This isn’t that imitation Chinese food you get from the

Nope, nothing ever works out the way it’s supposed to. By the time last December had rolled around, I was

I awoke in a hammock to the drawn out lashings of the ocean against the craggy coastline of the Caribbean

I blinked myself out of a hazy snooze and squinted at my vibrating phone. It was the call I had

There were times when I was forced to travel with no money. Through these experiences, and through the hardship of

Everybody talks about living a life worth living. And while I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment, it lacks a certain

After 31 days in Southeast Asia, I was fed up. It had been 11 months since my move to Greater

Mexican food is not what you think. In the same way that America has butchered their interpretation of traditional Chinese food,

So you’ve never eaten like a local in Croatia? Let me tell you, friend. You’re in for a treat. No

It’s 7am and the sun is rising. There’s a heavenly glow spread upon the rock cliffs that overlook the Gulf

I was about 17 years old. I was slightly awkward, quite chubby and, of course, still trying to find my

What’s the point, anyway? If you want to go on holiday and drink, I won’t tell you off. But if