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Work with TravelFreak


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In the new age of online travel, people are overwhelmed by content and underwhelmed by distinction. TravelFreak can help your brand or destination reach a collective audience of more than 500,000 monthly readers and set it apart from the rest.

The online travel space is saturated, and these days every travel blog seems to be writing about and posting exactly the same things. What you will find here, however, are captivating, experience-led adventure travel narratives, written for 18-34-year-olds, told through contextual stories and beautiful imagery.

We tell stories using different mediums on both the website and our social media channels. We publish unique content from a different perspective—that’s why this brand stands out.

Our readers know they can trust us. We’ve had our skin in the game since 2011, and people know they can rely on our advice.

Not only do we have a consistent, growing audience, but we have very strong distribution channels and extremely engaged audiences on all social media networks. We’ve built a level of trust that only comes with time and consistency.

Especially on Facebook and Instagram, we can help your brand or destination reach a wide network of people. Our stories create a context for people’s travel ideas and guide them from planning their trips into purchasing them.

CEO and Founder Jeremy Scott Foster also works as a travel photographer, capturing the best moments from his travels. When you work with TravelFreak, you also hire him as a photographer and using his creative license, he will develop the best way to incorporate your brand or destination into the visual stories that we tell.

Some Brands We’ve Worked With

Demographics & Stats – Audience Run Sheet

TravelFreak targets an audience of 18-34 year-olds who are constantly dreaming of their next travels.

Whether they’re in line at Starbucks on Instagram, in their office on Facebook, or reading travel stories before bed, TravelFreak reaches an audience of capable and affluent travelers in the dreaming and planning phases of their travels.

We’re not just inspiring, we’re helping people decide where to go and what to do on their next trip. With massive engagement rates on both Facebook and Instagram, we help users to decide on destinations and companies to use on their next awe-inspiring journey.

TravelFreak reaches a specific demographic of adventurous travelers with a gender split of about 40% male and 60% female. The vast majority of users fall in the 25-34 year age bracket (45%), followed by 18-24.

On average, 35% of website traffic originates in the United States, 15% from Australia and 9% from the UK.

Average Monthly Statistics

Site Stats

  • Unique Visitors: 215,000
  • Pageviews: 270,000
  • Sessions: 245,000
  • Domain Authority: 51

Social Media Stats

  • Instagram followers: 60,000+
  • Facebook fans: 17,000+
  • Twitter followers: 43,000
  • Pinterest followers: 13,000+
  • Newsletter Subscribers: 7,500+

Services & Types of Partnerships

1. Sponsorships & Brand Ambassadorships

We are available for long-term sponsorships and brand ambassadorships which could involve a combination of the options below. To further discuss a partnership, please use the provided contact form.

2. Press Trips & Social Media Campaigns

Travel brands and DMOs/CVBs can promote their services and destinations to a collective audience of more than 250,00readers through our channels. For information regarding a potential trip or campaign collaboration, please get in touch.

3. Branded Content

We can craft unique and engaging content for your brand, with social shares and long-term SEO in mind. All content is written by our team to ensure a quality and consistent message, and to establish a level of trust for your brand.

Note: TravelFreak maintains full control over the topic and content of all posts at all times. We reserve the right to maintain an honest voice and transparent opinion in everything published.

4. Product Features/Reviews

If you would like a product, activity, service, attraction, or accommodation option featured on TravelFreak, please contact us with details. We often include products in rounds-ups, run large giveaways, and feature one-off activities and accommodation options on social media.

5. Website Advertisements

Banner and brand advertisements may be placed throughout the site. The price for these will vary depending on the duration of the advertisement, size, and physical ad placement.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Due to the number of inquiries that we receive, we are only accepting paid advertisements and collaborations. That said, we value our readers and only work with brands that synergistically fit our niche. If this is you, please click the button below to get in touch!